This has been a special week for us at African Bible College. We have been privileged as a missionary staff and student body to sit under the teaching of Dr. Henry Krabbendam. As many of you know, Dr. Krabbendam is a respected evangelist, missionary, theologian, and speaker especially in Presbyterian and Reformed circles. Dr. Krabbendam taught at Covenant College for 37 years and has published numerous books with more soon to be issued. More recently, Dr. Krabbendam has focused the bulk of his labors in Uganda, teaching and training pastors in evangelism. He also hosts American teams at his property in Uganda to expose them to what he has labeled, “An Abundance Culture,” referring to the zeal and passion Africans have for spreading the gospel.
Dr. Krabbendam, a long-time friend of Dr. Palmer Robertson, ABC-Uganda Director, conducted a week of lectures there last year. This year, at the invitation of Dr. Paul Chinchen, ABC-Malawi Director, Dr. Krabbendam spent a week at our Malawi campus lecturing the community on “proper, Biblical evangelism.” Dr. Krabbendam’s premise is that evangelism is “Trinitarian” emphasizing not only the work of the Father and Son in the gospel, but the Holy Spirit as well. Thus, holiness and the desire for it are part of any Biblical evangelism.
Following a week of lectures, students were connected with Kapita CCAP (Central Church African Presbyterian) for two days of door to door evangelism, which Dr. Krabbendam instructed was easy “if you gain people’s emotions. The Jehovah’s Witnesses have not spoiled this method of evangelism,” he said.
Students and staff were enriched, challenged, and inspired by Dr. Krabbendam’s visit.